Organization Admin Guide

This guide describes the concepts of the membertility Organization Module.

Position Management

positions are assigned to members for a variety of purposes. membertility tracks who is currently in each position, which is used by the Meetings Module, Task Module, etc.

New Member Instructions

When someone new needs to be added to the system, the following should be done:

  • send suitable welcome message which describes the system, why they’re being added, and that they’ll be receiving password reset instructions

  • create the member using Members view, assigning appropriate security roles and interests

  • give new member their position(s) using Position Wizard

Term Management

The period during which a member spends time in a position is known as a term. The Position Dates view has a row for each term, with the Member, Position, Start Date, and Finish Date specified. If the term is current, no Finish Date is specified.

For easy management of member’s terms in positions, use the Position Wizard. With the Position Wizard, you select an Effective Date for a change in terms for one or more members for a given position. The wizard takes care of updating all the necessary term records which can be seen using the Position Dates view.

Task Assignment

To facilitate assignment of sets of task groups to individual members, task groups may be assigned to one or more positions using Positions view, and in turn members are assigned one or more positions using Position Wizard. The Task Hierarchy gives details on these relationships, and the Task Module has complete details about task management.

Tags Guide

Tags are used for the following. Tags are defined in the Tags view, assigned in the view in the Based On column below, and used for the Used For purpose in the View column below.

Used For

Based On


Meeting Invitations

Tags view, Positions view

Meetings view

Meeting Voting

Tags view, Positions view

Meetings view

Email Distribution List

Sometimes it may be desirable to send emails to members in the organization using regular email. For this the Distribution List view can be used to download a csv file of email addresses.