Task Admin Reference
This page gives a reference to all membertility views which are available to members who have the leadership admin security role.
History view
Navigation: Tasks > Task Fields
The History view can be used to see the history of tasks which have been marked completed. Since tasks can be marked completed by leadership admins as well as the member to which the task was assigned, the History view shows who marked this task as completed and at what time it was marked.
Currently the History view does not keep track of the task fields which were set at the time of the update, but that may change in the future.
The view has the following filters:
- Update Time
chooses range of Update Times to show
- Updated By
chooses which member(s) who made the update to show
- Member
chooses which member(s)’ tasks to show
- Task
chooses which task(s) to show
- Completed
chooses range of Date Completed to show
Member Summary view
Navigation: Tasks > Member Summary
The Member Summary view gives an overview of each member, showing the number of tasks in each status. Additionally this view shows the positions each member holds, and the task groups implied by those positions.
If an individual member is selected, you can click on the View Member member, to get to a filtered Task Details view of the member’s tasks.
The view has the following filters:
- Member
chooses which member(s) to show
- Members in Positions
chooses which position(s) to show
- Members in Task Groups
chooses which task group(s) to show
Tasks view
Navigation: Tasks > Tasks
The Tasks view is used to define the tasks which are done within the organization.
This view is where the tasks in the Task Hierarchy are defined.
See the Task Configuration Guide for details on how tasks should be configured.
- Task
name of the task
- Priority
the display priority of the task, all other things being equal
- Display
description of the task which needs to be done. This accepts plain text or Markdown (see https://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/syntax for information on Markdown syntax)
- Task Groups
select the task groups the task is in. This can also be defined in the Task Groups view
- Position Based
set to yes if you want the task to be completed for everyone when anyone in Position marks the task complete; set to no if this task must be completed by each member in any position assigned this task
- Position
if Position Based = yes, identifies the position for which all members will see the task as completed when any member marks it completed
for this to work properly, Task Groups should contain a single task group, and that task group should only be assigned to the indicated Position
- Expires Soon
this is the time period before which the task becomes overdue for tasks which have Optional Task set to no (i.e., required tasks)
- Fields
if the task needs to collect information from the member at the time it is marked complete, one or more fields may be chosen here. Fields are defined in the Task Fields view.
The validation which is performed on the Task Checklist view Task form is defined by the text before the field name in this selection.
- Period
this is the time period after a task is marked complete when it will become overdue again. This is for tasks which must be done periodically, meaning the next Expiration Date depends on when the task was last marked complete. For tasks which must be done repeatedly, either Period or Date of Year must be entered.
- Date of Year
this is the date of year after which a task becomes overdue. This is for tasks which must be done by a certain date of the year. For tasks which must be done repeatedly, either Period or Date of Year must be entered.
- Overdue Starts
this is the time period after Date of Year for which the task remains up to date if marked completed. This is only used if Date of Year is specified.
- Optional Task
indicates if the task is optional or required. If this is set to yes, Expires Soon, Period, Date of Year, and Overdue Starts should be left blank
Task Details view
Navigation: Tasks > Task Details
The Task Details view gives the leadership admin full visibility into all of the tasks in the system. Each task is on a separate line, and can be viewed in more detail by selecting it and clicking View.
From the task pop-up, the leadership admin can see details about the task, including the contents of any fields which have been entered by the member when the task was marked complete.
Further, the leadership admin has the ability to update :term`fields <field>` and change the completion date, if needed.
Some date fields are used to override the Last Completed date from the member’s Task Checklist view. However, from the Task Details view, these must be set independently.
The view has the following filters:
- Member
chooses the member(s) to show
- Members in Positions
chooses the member(s) in selected position(s)
- Members in Task Groups
chooses the member(s) in selected task groups(s)
- Task
chooses the task(s) to show
- Tasks in Task Groups
chooses the tasks(s) in selected task groups(s)
- Last Completed
chooses the date range for the completion date, can set start, finish or both
- Expiration Date
chooses the date range for the expiration date, can set start, finish or both
- In Position On
Task Fields view
Navigation: Tasks > Task Fields
Some tasks may require additional fields to be displayed/collected on the Task Checklist view Task form. These must be configured here.
- Field
this will be the name of the field seen on the Tasks view, for selection onto the task’s form
- Priority
this defines the display order on the Task Checklist view Task form. Lower numbers are displayed earlier
- Field Label
this text is placed on the Task Checklist view Task form on the left side
- Input Type
several input types are defined. This controls the behavior of the field on the Task Checklist view form
checkbox - field will show a set of checkboxes, which will allow the member to select one or more options. Options is displayed on this form
datetime - field will show a date picker. Override Completion is displayed on this form
display - field is display only. Field Value is displayed on this form
radio - field will show a set of radio buttons, which will allow the member to select one of the options. Options is displayed on this form
select2 - field will show a select pulldown, which will allow the member to select one of the options. Options is displayed on this form
text - field will show a one line text box
textarea - field will show an expandable text field
upload - field will show widget for uploading a file
- Options
only shown when Input Type is checkbox, radio, or select2. You can enter the required options by typing in the Options field and use carriage return to accept each option.
- Field Hint
only shown if Input Type is not display. This is shown under the field input on the Task Checklist view form to give the member a hint on how the field should be filled in
- Field Value
only shown when Input Type is display. This is the text to be displayed on the Task Checklist view form to give the member instructions, etc. This accepts plain text or Markdown (see https://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/syntax for information on Markdown syntax)
- Override Completion
only shown when Input Type is datetime. If this is set to yes, the contents of this field will override the completion date normally generated automatically by the system when the member clicks Mark Complete on the Task Checklist view form
- Field Name
generated by the system, and only used internally
- Upload URL
generated by the system, and only used internally
Some examples of how the form changes with different Input Type selections
Task Groups view
Navigation: Tasks > Task Groups
The Task Groups view is used to define how tasks are grouped within the organization.
This view is where tasks are associated with the task group to follow the Task Hierarchy.
- Task Group
name of the task group
- Description
describes the task group, possibly giving more information than just the name
- Task Groups
list of task groups that are associated below this task group to follow the Task Hierarchy
- Tasks
list of tasks that are associated below this task group to follow the Task Hierarchy
- Members
list of members associated directly with this task group. This can be configured here or in the Positions view
While it is possible to associate the member directly with a task group, it is recommended that this be done only indirectly by position