Racing Team Admin Reference

This page gives a reference to all membertility views which are available to members who have the racingteam admin security role.

Racing Team Applications view

Navigation: Racing Team > Applications


date and time the application was submitted


applicant’s name


applicant’s gender


applicant’s date of birth


applicant’s email address


type of application, one of new, renewal


any comments the applicant entered. If there are ellipses at the end, hovering over this field will display the full comment

Race 1/2

name of submitted race 1/2


detailed application results can be found in Racing Team Application Results view

R1/2 Date

date of submitted race 1/2

R1/2 AG

age grade for submitted race 1/2


Racing Team Application Results view

Navigation: Racing Team > Application Results


date and time the application was submitted


applicant’s name


applicant’s email address

Event Date

date for this result submission


applicant’s age on Event Date

Event Name

name of the race


race distance


units of race distance, one of miles, km

Age Grade

age grade for this result

Results Link

link to official results (optional)


Racing Team Config view

Navigation: Racing Team > Config

Open Behavior

one of auto, open, or closed. This defines whether racing team applications are open. In practice, this should be set to auto to use the date ranges to automatically allow applications only during the specified ranges. To allow applications outside of the date ranges, set this to open. To turn off applications within the date ranges set to closed.

Date Ranges

list of date ranges as configured on the Racing Team Date Range view. Applications are allowed automatically during the dates in these ranges if Open Behavior is set to auto.

From Email

email address which racing team emails are sent from

Info Form CC Email

list of email addresses which are copied when a racingteam member submits the Racing Team Information Form

Application Form CC Email

list of email addresses which are copied when someone submits the Racing Team Application Form


do not create more than one row per interest. If more than one row is created the results will be unpredictable.

_images/racing-team-config-view.png _images/racing-team-config-edit.png

Racing Team Date Range view

Navigation: Racing Team > Date Range

Range Name

name of date range, e.g., ‘summer’, ‘winter’

Start Month

month of year this date range starts

Start Date of Month

date of Start Month this date range starts

End Month

month of year this date range ends

End Date of Month

date of End Month this date range ends

_images/racing-team-date-range-view.png _images/racing-team-date-range-edit.png

Racing Team Info Results view

Navigation: Racing Team > Info Results


date and time the result was submitted


member’s name

Event Date

date for this result submission


member’s age on Event Date

Event Name

name of the race


race distance


units of race distance, one of miles, km

Age Grade

age grade for this result


awards achieved (optional)


Racing Team Info Volunteer view

Navigation: Racing Team > Info Volunteer


date and time the volunteer activity was submitted


member’s name

Event Date

date for this volunteer activity submission


number of hours being reported


any additional comments (optional)


Racing Team Members view

Navigation: Racing Team > Members


member which is on the racing team


members gender


members date of birth


if yes, indicates member is currently on the racing team

The view has the following filters:

Show inactive members

check this to see inactive members. This allows old members to be added back to the racing team by checking this then setting the old member’s Active to yes


before using this view, new members needs to be created on the Members view, and assigned racingteam member security role there

_images/racing-team-members-view.png _images/racing-team-members-edit.png