Membership Admin Guide
The club’s membership committee needs access to certain club-related data in order to perform their jobs. The “membership module” of the membertility system is designed to provide access to this data.
Use Cases
Facebook Group Member Management
Sometimes, when determining if a Facebook user is a member of the club, it’s difficult because their Facebook name isn’t the same as their real name (assumedly the name they joined the club under). The Facebook Aliases view allows the membership admin to record the Facebook name used by a member.
The Club Members view shows the members as of a given date, showing their name as well as their Facebook alias. This allows the membership admin to search for a Facebook name to determine if the Facebook user is indeed a member of the club.
The Expired Members view shows the members whose memberships have expired since a given date, including their Facebook alias. This allows the membership admin to look for Facebook Group members who should be removed from members-only groups.