Meetings Admin Reference
This page gives a reference to all membertility views which are available to members who have the meeting admin security role.
Action Items view
Action Items can be accessed from Meeting view or from the top level menu. Action Items are normally generated from Meeting view, but all action items can be seen from the top level menu.
- Action
text of the action item describing the action to be done
- Assignee
who is responsible for taking care of the action item
- Status
current action item status: open, inprogress, closed
- Comments
updates on progress or how the action item was completed
Meeting Action Items
Navigation: [Meeting view] > [select agenda item] > Edit
all action items since Show Actions Since date can be viewed or edited under the automatically created Action Items agenda item
All Action Items
Navigation: Meetings > Action Items
Additional fields shown in the All Action Items view
The view has the following filters:
- Date
date range of interest
- Assignee
who is responsible for taking care of the action item
- Status
current Status of interest
Agenda Headings view
Navigation: Meetings > Agenda Headings
Agenda Headings can be configured to show context for agenda items. An agenda heading must be configured here before being added to the agenda items on Meeting view.
- Agenda Heading
text of heading which will appear in the Agenda document or the Minutes document
- Positions
(optional) when a discussion item is created for one of these positions, this agenda heading will be used
if multiple agenda headings share a position, the behavior is undefined [#256]
Invites view
Navigation: Meetings > Invites
- Meeting
meeting at which this motion was created
- Date
date for meeting that this motion created
- Name
- Attended
indication of whether the member attended the meeting, yes or no
- In person/Virtual
if the meeting includes the option RSVP Required, this shows whether the member plans to or has attended in person or virtual
- Invited
generally yes but if the member’s position changed after the initial invite was sent, may be no
The view has the following filters:
- Date
date range of interest
- Name
name of member
- Attended
attendance value of interest
Meeting Status view
Navigation: Meetings > Meetings > [select meeting] > Meeting Status
The Meeting Status view is used to determine what, if any, status reports are missing, and to send reminders to chosen positions about the missing status report(s).
- Position
positions which are configured to have a status report are listed here
- Members (last request)
member(s) who hold the position are listed here, along with the date the last request for status report was made to that member. If a date isn’t listed, this means the member was added to a position, but wasn’t sent a meeting invite, which should be a transient condition
- Status Report
either entered if someone holding this position entered a status report, or missing if no status report was entered
The view has the following filters:
- Status
the status of whether the status report was entered or missing can be selected here
There is one action button.
- Send Reminders
select the row(s) for which a reminder should be sent. The members who hold the selected positions will be sent a reminder.
- Subject
default subject is provided by the system, but can be changed if desired
- Message
add additional message to the reminder if desired
- From
defaults to From from the last Send Invites or Send Reminders (see note), but can be updated if desired
- option checkboxes
check Request Status Report if the text in the email should mention that a status report is needed
check Show Action Items if outstanding action items should be shown in the email
For best results, set the Status filter to missing before using Send Reminders
Message, From, and option checkboxes default from the last Send Reminders, or the last Meeting view’s Send Invites if Send Reminders hasn’t been used for this meeting
Meeting view
Navigation: Meetings > Meetings > [select meeting] > View Meeting
The meeting view is used to manage the meeting. The following can be done from this view
create new agenda items
rearrange agenda items
generate documents related to the meeting
tally meeting attendance
record discussion about agenda items
create action items
create and record votes on motions
Edit of an agenda item is inline with the table, with Action Items view and Motions view embedded.
- Reorder
the reorder icon () can be used to grab an agenda item and place it where desired in the agenda order
- Title
title of the agenda item, initialized by the invitee who wrote the discussion item, but can be changed
- Summary
summary of the agenda item, initialized by the invitee who wrote the discussion item. This can be changed, but normally would be left intact except for editorial changes for clarity
- Discussion
discussion which took place at the meeting, if the meeting admin wants to record this in the minutes
- Agenda Heading
heading under which this agenda item will be shown in the agenda and in the minutes. The Agenda Headings are configured under Agenda Headings view
- Hide
if, for some reason, a discussion item recorded by an invitee will not be part of the meeting agenda, set Hide to yes and fill in Reason for Hiding
- Reason for Hiding
if Hide is set to yes, the reason the agenda item was hidden should be entered here. The invitee will be able to see this from their My Status Report view
In addition to the New, Edit, Delete buttons, there are action buttons. Action buttons are shown or not depending on which Meeting Type was chosen (configured in the Meeting Types view).
- Send Invitations
use this to send the initial invitations to the meeting, or if any positions have been updated which affect the meeting attendance. Individual emails are sent which include a link that the member can use to RSVP and/or update their status reports
- Subject
default subject is provided by the system, but can be changed if desired
- Message
add additional message to the invitiation if desired
- From
defaults to the email address of the meeting Organizer, but can be updated if desired
if any positions which affect meeting attendance have been updated, a nightly job will take care of sending additional invitations
- Send Discussion Request
use this to send a discussion request for the meeting. A single email is sent to the invitees, suitable for a reply/all discussion
- Subject
default subject is provided by the system, but can be changed if desired
- Message
add additional message to the invitiation if desired
- From
defaults to the email address of the meeting Organizer, but can be updated if desired
- Generate Docs
use this to generate documents associated with the meeting
the status report document is automatically created and updated as people write or update their status reports
- Send Email
use this to send email to the invitees. Note the default subject contains the meeting purpose and date, and can be edited
- Subject
default subject is provided by the system, but can be changed if desired
- Message
add message
- From
defaults to the email address which was used during Send Invites, but can be updated if desired
Meetings view
Navigation: Meetings > Meetings
This is the main view for managing meetings. The meeting can be created or edited. Once created this view is used to navigate to the individual meeting for administration purposes.
- Purpose
short name of the meeting, e.g., Board Meeting
- Meeting Type
type of the meeting, as created by Meeting Types view
- Date
date the meeting will take place
- Time
time of the meeting (optional, depending on Meeting Type)
- Location
location of the meeting, either a physical address or a URL (e.g., for Google Meet) (optional, depending on Meeting Type)
- Show Actions Since
action items are shown in agenda, minutes, etc. Any action items which have been updated after this date will be shown associated with this meeting (optional, depending on Meeting Type)
- Organizer
the meeting organizer. When emails are sent from this view, the From address will default to this member’s email address. This defaults to the currently logged in member
- Invite Tags
members who are associated with these tags through their position will be invited to the meeting
- Vote Tags
members who are associated with these tags through their position may vote on motions associated with the meeting
- Status Report Tags
members who are associated with these tags through their position will be prompted to provide position status reports
- Agenda
this is the link to the agenda document
- Status Report
this is the link to the status report document
- Minutes
this is the link to the minutes document
In addition to the New, Edit, Delete buttons, there is one additional meeting creation button
- Renew
this allows the meeting admin to create a new meeting just like the selected previous meeting, but on a different date
and these navigation buttons
- View Meeting
this is the view for the meeting which can be used to prepare the agenda or during the meeting, brings up Meeting view
- Meeting Status
this gives status of the meeting, showing missing and entered status reports. This brings up Meeting Status view
- Their Status Report
this allows the meeting admin to RSVP and enter status reports on behalf of another member. This brings up Their Status Report view
The view has the following filters:
- Meeting Types
meeting types of interest
Renew allows the meeting admin to select options for renewing the meeting. The defaults for these options are set in Meeting Types view. See Meeting Types view for a description of how these options work
Meeting Types view
Navigation: Meetings > Meeting Types
The Meeting Types view is used to control the behavior of the Meeting view, and to identify which buttons should be shown.
- Meeting Type
name of the meeting type
- Automatic Agenda Item Title
if this is specified, when the meeting is created an agenda item will be created in the meeting with this title. Note this can include text of the form {{ purpose }} or {{ meetingtype.statusreportwording }} which is templated against the meeting record. See the administrator for acceptable template variables.
- Custom Wording for “meeting”
if you don’t want the text on the page and emails to say something other than “meeting” you can customize that here. Use lowercase letters.
- Custom Wording for “status report”
if you want the text on the page and emails to say something other than “status report” you can customize that here. Use lowercase letters.
- Custom Wording for “invitation”
if you want the text on the page and emails to say something other than “invitation” you can customize that here. Use lowercase letters.
- Meeting Options
these control the behavior of the Meeting view for meetings of this Meeting Type
Time Required - require the meeting admin to add Time when creating the meeting
Location Required - require the meeting admin to add Location when creating the meeting
Has Status Reports - the member will be shown a page which allows creation of status reports
Show Action Items - require the meeting admin to add Show Actions Since when creating the meeting. The Meeting view will show and agenda item with action items
Allow Online Motion/Votes - the Motions view within a meeting agenda item will have a button to Send eVote Requests
- Meeting Button Options
these control what buttons to show for the Meeting view. See Meeting view for the description of each button’s behavior
Send Invitations - this button should be configured if the Meeting Options include RSVP Required and/or Has Status Reports.
Send Discussion Request - this button should be configured if the Meeting Options include Allow Online Motion/Votes
Generate Docs - this button should be configured if the meeting will include an agenda or minutes
Send Email - this button should be configured if there will be any need to send email to the invitees after invitations are sent out
- Meeting Renew Options
these control how meetings of this type are renewed
Show Actions Since Last Meeting - if checked, the Show Actions Since for the new meeting will be set to the date of the last meeting
Copy Invite Email - if checked, the text which was sent in the invite email will be copied from the last meeting’s
Copy Reminder Email - if checked, the text which was sent in the reminder email will be copied from the last meeting’s
Copy Agenda Summary - if checked, agenda titles and summaries will be copied from the last meetings’s
Copy Agenda Discussion - if checked, agenda titles and discussions from the last meeting will be copied into the new meetings agenda summaries
Motion Votes view
Navigation: Meetings > Motion Votes
Motion Votes can be accessed from Meeting view or from the top level menu. Motion votes are normally generated from Meeting view, but all motion votes can be seen from the top level menu.
- Motion
text of the motion. Motions should be specific enough that they capture all relevant details, without being too wordy
- Date
date the motion was made
- Member
the voting member who made this vote
- Vote
vote talley for each voting member, one of approved, rejected, abstained, novote.
Meeting Motion Votes
Navigation: [Meeting view] > [select agenda item] > Edit
See Meeting Motions for details.
All Motion Votes
Navigation: Meetings > Motion Votes
Motions view
Motions can be accessed from Meeting view or from the top level menu. Motions are normally generated from Meeting view, but all motions can be seen from the top level menu.
- Motion
text of the motion. Motions should be specific enough that they capture all relevant details, without being too wordy
- Mover
the person who makes the motion. This must be one of the voting members
- Seconder
the person who seconds the motion. This must be one of the voting members
- Status
the result of the motion vote, one of open, tabled, approved, rejected. The Status should not be left open after the meeting
- Vote
vote talley for each voting member, one of approved, rejected, abstained, novote.
voting members who are not present should be listed as novote
Meeting Motions
Navigation: [Meeting view] > [select agenda item] > Edit
Vote can be edited by clicking on the vote cell, changing it, then clicking off the cell. The agenda item must be in Edit mode for the vote to be editable
votes are initialized as approved for voting members who are at the meeting at the time the motion was created, and novote for those who were not
All Motions
Navigation: Meetings > Motions
motions can only be edited within the meeting context
Additional fields shown in the All Motions view
The view has the following filters:
- Date
date range of interest
Their Status Report view
Navigation: Meetings > Meetings > [select meeting] > Their Status Report
This view is used to enter RSVP or status reports on behalf of a member. The view is exactly the same as My Status Report view, with the exception that the header above the table allows the meeting admin to choose which member’s status report to work on.
See My Status Report view for more details on how to use this view.