Typographical Conventions

This describes typographical conventions used within the documentation

Product Reference

The product referenced by the manual is shown in bold, e.g., membertility


Button text is shown in bold, e.g., Edit

Specific buttons are described using definitions, e.g.,

This Button

what this button does


Fields on a view are described using definitions, e.g.,


what the field does

Fields are referenced in text by using bold, e.g., Field

Values for fields are referenced in text by using italics, e.g., fieldvalue


Filter labels are referenced in text by using bold, e.g., Filter Label

Values for filters are referenced in text by using italics, e.g., filtervalue

Section Management

Should really be following https://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/usage/restructuredtext/basics.html?#sections, but accidentally ended up with what is below.

Top level section is delineated by ============== above section title and ============== below section title, as can be seen in Typographical Conventions.

Next level section is delineated by ============== below section title, as can be seen in Section Management.

Next level is delineated by ————- as can be seen below

Lower Level Section